Important Events
HI Patriots
We have some great events coming up for all patriots group. There is something for everyone and this is a great way for you to get involved, the more people we have the easier it is to take our country backhttp://northvalleypatriots.ning.com/ .
Turlock's next meeting is May 26th(630pm) speaker will be Ardaky and he will speak on the Federal Reserve. Remember our Pizza Factory fundraiser, all day long, just mention North Valley Patriots when ordering and we will get a percentage of that order. 50/50 raffle that night.
We still need help at the Stanislaus County Fair come to our May 26th meeting to sign up or email us at turlockpatriots@gmail.com.
Turlock TPP has a Chicken Dinner drive thur set for July 29th from 4pm to 7pm at Neto's in Turlock, 1/2 chicken, beans, salad and roll for $12 per person. We will have tickets for you to sell at our May 26th meeting or send us your money at North Valley Patriots 2086 E. Canal PMB 116 Turlock Ca 95380 . We still need six people to help us that night, if you can help please email us.
We are still in need of a leader and co-leader for the voter fraud committee. Please email me if you are interested in leading this group. You can also join a statewide tpp action group by going tohttp://www.californiateapartygroups.org/ .
Patterson Tea Party Patriots will hold their first Meeting June 22
at 7pm at Strings Restaurant on 2985 Renzo Ln.. Any question please email pteapartypatriots@gmail.com.
If you would like to help them out by coming to the Patterson Apricot Festival on June 4th -5th. We still need help on these days, Saturday from 5pm to 7pm and Sunday from 10am to1pm, and set up both days at 8am. We will have a booth in the Bank of the West Parking Lot.
Los Banos TPP is having yard sale June 10 thur 11 at George Allen's House from 6:30am to 12pm on 152 across from Wal-Mart/Taco Bell. Email losbanosteaparty@gmail.com if you have items to donate. Go support fellow TPP.
Los Banos is also looking for old shoes to use at their 9/11 memorial. They would like to display 3,000 shoes that will represent the people who died that day, if you have shoes to donate please contact them.
Hertiage Foundation has a plan to Balance Budget in 10 yrs
18% size of government at no more, and spending too
Reduces debt ,Reshapes size of federal government by returning to state- Federal gas tax would be sent back to states, environmental issues back to states.
Change tax code- Flatten and combine tax code so we wouldn’t have separate shares and it would combine SS , Medicare etc and income tax.
Reforms entitlements programs, Medicaid , Social Security, Medicare, returns these to states as a block grant. We can’t grandfather everyone in to this plan. Raises the age level slightly in Social Security and it will set amounts.
Gets rid of ObamaCare , “Saving the American Dream”: http://www.heritage.org/
Several People have asked about Agenda 21, here is some information from our californiateapartygroups site, also google agenda 21 and you will get more information then you ever wanted. We are trying to put a action group together and localing for another leader to help out find out more information at our next meeting.http://www.californiateapartygroups.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=262&Itemid=317
We have a new tea party patriot doing our newsletter and patriots business directory. If you have a business or now of a business that supports tpp please email Andy Nelson at good.names.taken@hotmail.com.
Turlock Tea Party Patriots Soccer Team has a game May 26th at 7pm in Field 1 and their last game is June 2 at 7pm in Field 1, the Indoor Soccer games are played at 500 Center St.. To check on the teams standing go to http://turlock-soccer.ezleagues.ezfacility.com/teams/807828/Tea-Party-Patriots.aspx . If you can go cheer our guys on that would be great. It took alot for these men to take a stand for their beliefs and values. Thank You guys so much!!!!!!!!!
It takes all of us stand up for our beliefs and values to win our country. Some ideas to show your support of TPP is wear your TPP shirt when out running errands, pass out our post cards, talk to your friends and family about TPP.
Information on Redistricting Redistricting Committee: www.wedrawthelines.com. Check website for meeting in your area. Th Thank
Thanks and God Bless