(From me to you)
Nancy Carvalho
Before you make nasty remarks about the Tea Party, you need to understand the purpose of each Tea Party Group. Our Tea Party Patriots does not endorse any politician. The Patriots do not deal with social issues. These are the three purposes of the Patriots: Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government and Free Markets. We want all citizens to research the people who are running for offices in our country. It is imperative that we do this research to find out how each person has voted in he past and see if that is the way you think and then vote for this person. We do not discrimate as far as race is concerned. If we seem to be Republican, it is because Republicans have for the most part stood for our 3 principles. But don't think we vote for these people simply because they are Republican. We are looking for the person who will follow the Constitution the way it was written. If you haven't read the constitution and the writings of our founing fathers,you are cheating yourself. Don't read what others have written about them, read what they said. You may be surprised that God was a very important part of their beliefs. I hope you will check this our for yourself. Don't take anyone's word for it. :)
Edit by Wm
Psalm 109:8