Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Luke 6:37

(From me to you)
Nancy Carvalho
Before you make nasty remarks about the Tea Party, you need to understand the purpose of each Tea Party Group. Our Tea Party Patriots does not endorse any politician. The Patriots do not deal with social issues. These are the three purposes of the Patriots: Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government and Free Markets. We want all citizens to research the people who are running for offices in our country. It is imperative that we do this research to find out how each person has voted in he past and see if that is the way you think and then vote for this person. We do not discrimate as far as race is concerned. If we seem to be Republican, it is because Republicans have for the most part stood for our 3 principles. But don't think we vote for these people simply because they are Republican. We are looking for the person who will follow the Constitution the way it was written. If you haven't read the constitution and the writings of our founing fathers,you are cheating yourself. Don't read what others have written about them, read what they said. You may be surprised that God was a very important part of their beliefs. I hope you will check this our for yourself. Don't take anyone's word for it. :)
Edit by Wm
Psalm 109:8

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Freedom or Under the Europen Socialist Bus

Europe was part of the free world until the started falling for the progressive lie. Out to deceive anyone in ear shot of the masters of deception. If American could only grasp fact from fiction the first time around and not after they have lost their country. Today China is asking for 5 square miles of land right in the middle of the United States. It time all Americans consciously think about the consequences of doing nothing.

We've already told you the Four Big Lies you will hear in connection with raising the debt limit and over the coming days we will show you the reasons why we don't have to increase the debt limit.

At what point do we say enough is enough? At what point of government borrowing will our liberty be encroached upon enough that Americans will demand REAL change in Washington? The time may very well be upon us.

Five Reasons Why Not To Increase the Debt Ceiling

1. We won't default if we prioritize our spending.

The federal government takes in enough revenue to cover our debt obligations. The real problem is the spending. We must act now to control our spending for the sake of America's future.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies." - Senator Barack Obama, March 16, 2006*

2. If they raise it they will spend it.

Since the debt ceiling was first put into place, Congress has not failed to raise it when the debt was critically close to reaching and exceeding the limit. The debt ceiling has been raised 10 times in the last 11 years and we are on the verge of raising it yet again. What makes this time any different? What is to stop them from raising it the next time we reach the limit? Isn't that the point of the debt ceiling, to prevent the borrowing of more money?

"If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we would see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies. But we are not doing that..." - Senator Barack Obama, March 16, 2006*

3. We have been warned to stop the reckless spending.

Moody's, Standard & Poor's, economists, and even China have warned us to stop our reckless spending. Increasing the debt ceiling is an enabler to our spending problem. If the government is not able to borrow anymore money, they will be forced to start prioritizing spending.

"[T]he more we depend on foreign nations to lend us money, the more our economic security is tied to the whims of foreign leaders whose interests might not be aligned with ours. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ''the buck stops here.'' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit."

- Senator Barack Obama, March 16, 2006*

4. We don't have to reinvent the wheel on spending.

If we go back to 2003 spending levels we can begin to pull ourselves out of this fiscal crisis that we are in. If we went a step further back to the spending levels at the end of the Clinton administration, we could balance our budget. It is true that sacrifices will have to be made but if we don't make those sacrifices now, just imagine how much harder it will be in the future.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."

- Senator Barack Obama, March 16, 2006*

5. A rising national debt hinders jobs and the economy.

As the government continues to borrow money, confidence in the economy dwindles, business owners worry about how the government will pay its debts, and the talks of increasing government revenues by raising taxes causes businesses to save capital and plan for survival rather than planning for growth.

"[T]he cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the Federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy... interest payments are a significant tax on all Americans-a debt tax that Washington doesn't want to talk about." - Senator Barack Obama, March 16, 2006*

When will you say enough is enough.

My family and all Americas deserves freedom from tyranney.
Who are the new world elite Tyrannical European Socialist who are creating world crisis or the world emergency to take control of our government. Just who are the new world elite dictators? How much more power do they need?

Edited http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79iDvW9IMvc

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Council and Board Meetings

City Council- Second and Fourth Tuesday at 7pm
City Hall 156 S. Broadway, Tlk .

School Board- First and Third Tuesday at 6:30pm
Turlock High School Performing Arts Bldg.

School Budget Advisory Committee- March 28th and April 18
THS Library from 4:30 to 5:30
For more information go to turlockusd-ca.schooloop.com/

Turlock Irrigation – Every Tuesday at 9am
Turlock Irrigation Main Office Canal Dr.

City Council- Second and Fourth Monday at 7pm
2720 Second St
Ceres Ca

School Board- District Office Board Rm.
2503 Lawrence St.
Every Three Weeks at 7pm.

Stan. County Board of Education-
Second Tuesday at 8:30am
1100 H St.
Modesto Ca

Denair Municipal Advisory Council
Meets the First Tuesday of each Month at 7pm
Denair Unified School Board Room
Lester Road, Denair

Denair Unified School Board
Meets the Second Thursday of each Month
Denair Unified Board Room
Lester Rd., Denair

Board of Supervisors- Every Tues at 9am,
Except Third Tuesday at 6:30pm
1010 10th St.
Modesto Ca

Planning Commission- First and Third Thursday at 6:30pm
1010 10th St. in the basement.

Stanislaus County Central Republican Committee
First Monday of Each Month at 6pm
Eichel Bldg on Orangeburg Ave.
Turlock Local Commissions
Go to the link below to download Application
All Commissions are appointed by the Mayor
Art Commission
Meets the 2nd Thursday at 7pm
Turlock City Hall-Yosemite Rm
156 S. Broadway

Recreation Commission
Meets the 2nd Wednesday at 6pm
Turlock City Hall-Yosemite Rm
156 S. Broadway

Planning Commission
Meets the 1st Thursday at 7pm
Turlock City Hall-Yosemite Rm.
156 S. Broadway
Development Collaborative Advisory Committee
Meets the 2nd Thursday at 3:30pm
Turlock City Hall-Yosemite Rm
156 S. Broadway

If you plan on going to one of these meeting and reporting on them
please let Ric Gomez know send him your name, phone #, email and what meeting you will be attending.

Also if you plan on adopting a politician please sign up at congress.org or californiateapartygroups.org, or tpptracker.org and
let Ric know who you are following and when something
important comes up that we should know about
please email us at turlockpatriots@gmail.com

If there is a city that is not listed, please let me know and I will get that information to you.
Thanks and God Bless

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Denham and BerryhillPosted

Thursday was a very satisfying day. A small group from Turlock met up with a couple of Modesto patriot members to rally outside of Congressman Jeff Denham's office for an hour. This was no ordinary rally. This was a THANK YOU rally. For an hour, we waved signs to the traffic as it passed by - signs that read thank you to Denham for supporting his constituents. Just as we have a duty to rally in protest, we also have a duty to rally when our representatives do something right.

The group was very small which was really disappointing. I regret that Modesto did not get the word that we were rallying to support Mr. Denham. A larger grouip would have had more impact on people driving by. Too much, our representatives hear only the complaints, the problems. We need to say thank you. We need to let them know that we are not only watching, but, that we are grateful.


Later in the evening, Turlock's general meeting met at the Pizza Factory. Assemblyman Bill Berryhill was our guest speaker. While reflecting on the experience of his first term and the changes he is experiencing in his second term, he spoke to issues that are of great concern to many of us - issues such as voter fraud, water rights, loss of businesses large and small in California because of over-regulation, and of course, the budget - just to name a few.

He also spoke to the reality of the difficulties of working with any success as a member of the minority party. He cautioned us that no matter how difficult we imagine that it is, it is truly much worse. But he also underscored the importance of not giving up, to continuing efforts to form bi-partisan bridges, and not lossing sight of our goals.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Important Events


HI Patriots

We have some great events coming up for all patriots group. There is something for everyone and this is a great way for you to get involved, the more people we have the easier it is to take our country backhttp://northvalleypatriots.ning.com/ .

Turlock's next meeting is May 26th(630pm) speaker will be Ardaky and he will speak on the Federal Reserve. Remember our Pizza Factory fundraiser, all day long, just mention North Valley Patriots when ordering and we will get a percentage of that order. 50/50 raffle that night.

We still need help at the Stanislaus County Fair come to our May 26th meeting to sign up or email us at turlockpatriots@gmail.com.

Turlock TPP has a Chicken Dinner drive thur set for July 29th from 4pm to 7pm at Neto's in Turlock, 1/2 chicken, beans, salad and roll for $12 per person. We will have tickets for you to sell at our May 26th meeting or send us your money at North Valley Patriots 2086 E. Canal PMB 116 Turlock Ca 95380 . We still need six people to help us that night, if you can help please email us.

We are still in need of a leader and co-leader for the voter fraud committee. Please email me if you are interested in leading this group. You can also join a statewide tpp action group by going tohttp://www.californiateapartygroups.org/ .

Patterson Tea Party Patriots will hold their first Meeting June 22
at 7pm at Strings Restaurant on 2985 Renzo Ln.. Any question please email pteapartypatriots@gmail.com.

If you would like to help them out by coming to the Patterson Apricot Festival on June 4th -5th. We still need help on these days, Saturday from 5pm to 7pm and Sunday from 10am to1pm, and set up both days at 8am. We will have a booth in the Bank of the West Parking Lot.

Los Banos TPP is having yard sale June 10 thur 11 at George Allen's House from 6:30am to 12pm on 152 across from Wal-Mart/Taco Bell. Email losbanosteaparty@gmail.com if you have items to donate. Go support fellow TPP.
Los Banos is also looking for old shoes to use at their 9/11 memorial. They would like to display 3,000 shoes that will represent the people who died that day, if you have shoes to donate please contact them.

Hertiage Foundation has a plan to Balance Budget in 10 yrs
18% size of government at no more, and spending too
Reduces debt ,Reshapes size of federal government by returning to state- Federal gas tax would be sent back to states, environmental issues back to states.
Change tax code- Flatten and combine tax code so we wouldn’t have separate shares and it would combine SS , Medicare etc and income tax.
Reforms entitlements programs, Medicaid , Social Security, Medicare, returns these to states as a block grant. We can’t grandfather everyone in to this plan. Raises the age level slightly in Social Security and it will set amounts.
Gets rid of ObamaCare , “Saving the American Dream”: http://www.heritage.org/

Several People have asked about Agenda 21, here is some information from our californiateapartygroups site, also google agenda 21 and you will get more information then you ever wanted. We are trying to put a action group together and localing for another leader to help out find out more information at our next meeting.http://www.californiateapartygroups.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=262&Itemid=317

We have a new tea party patriot doing our newsletter and patriots business directory. If you have a business or now of a business that supports tpp please email Andy Nelson at good.names.taken@hotmail.com.

Turlock Tea Party Patriots Soccer Team has a game May 26th at 7pm in Field 1 and their last game is June 2 at 7pm in Field 1, the Indoor Soccer games are played at 500 Center St.. To check on the teams standing go to http://turlock-soccer.ezleagues.ezfacility.com/teams/807828/Tea-Party-Patriots.aspx . If you can go cheer our guys on that would be great. It took alot for these men to take a stand for their beliefs and values. Thank You guys so much!!!!!!!!!

It takes all of us stand up for our beliefs and values to win our country. Some ideas to show your support of TPP is wear your TPP shirt when out running errands, pass out our post cards, talk to your friends and family about TPP.

Information on Redistricting Redistricting Committee: www.wedrawthelines.com. Check website for meeting in your area. Th Thank
Thanks and God Bless

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The upcoming events for this month:

Hi Patriots

Thanks and God Bless

Monday, April 11, 2011

Important Events


Important Events

For The Week

Please visit northvalleypatriots.ning.com to see all upcoming events. Thanks and God Bless

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hostage Crisis!

What President Obama is really saying:
"Pay the ransom (allow us to continue massive government spending) or we stop paying the military!"

"Pay the ransom (allow us to continue massive government spending) or we won't mail you your IRS refund check!"

"Pay the ransom (allow us to continue massive government spending) or we will ruin the tourists' vacations who are going to DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival!"

"Pay the ransom (allow us to continue massive government spending) or we will close the National Parks and ruin family vacations!"

Keep Reading for Friday's First Action Item Should we give in to their ransom demands?

Should we reward them for making this kind of threat?

Should people like this be in charge of our entire country?!!

President Obama and Senator Reid continue to damage America with every move they make.

Tea Party Patriots is committed to holding them accountable and making sure American voters know the truth.

We need your help to keep taking that message to the public.

We are fighting against leftist socialist groups with massive resources and funding.

They have us outmatched dramatically when it comes to money.

So far we've done a lot with limited funds.

The impact that the Tea Party has had on shifting the political tide is incredible.

The work you and your fellow Tea Partiers have done will be studied in history books.

Let's make sure they're studying in a free, prosperous, and thriving America!

You can help again. Donate now to give us the resources we need to sustain the full might and power of the American Tea Party as we press on to victory!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly


Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, R-Claremont, talks about A.B. 26 during a rally at the Capitol on Monday. The bill, which targets illegal immigration, is patterned after a controversial immigration law in Arizona. About a hundred attended the rally in support of the bill. (The Associated Press)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Support Assemblyman Donnelly

For those that can not go to the Capitol to support Assemblyman Donnelly on the 4th we can call those on the Judiciary Committee to ask that they support AB 26 on the 4th and morning of the 5th. Let's light up those phone lines.
Mike Feuer - Chair Dem-42 (916) 319-2042 Assemblymember.Feuer@assembly.ca.gov
Donald P. Wagner - Vice Chair Rep-70 (916) 319-2070 Assemblymember.Wagner@assembly.ca.gov
Toni Atkins Dem-76 (916) 319-2076 Assemblymember.Atkins@assembly.ca.gov
Roger Dickinson Dem-9 (916) 319-2009 Assemblymember.Dickinson@assembly.ca.gov
Jeff Gorell Rep-37 (916) 319-2037 Assemblymember.Gorell@assembly.ca.gov
Alyson Huber Dem-10 (916) 319-2010 Assemblymember.Huber@assembly.ca.gov
Jared Huffman Dem-6 (916) 319-2006 Assemblymember.Huffman@assembly.ca.gov
Brian W. Jones Rep-77 (916) 319-2077 Assemblymember.Jones@assembly.ca.gov
William W. Monning Dem-27 (916) 319-2027 Assemblymember.Monning@assembly.ca.gov
Bob Wieckowski Dem-20 (916) 319-2020 Assemblymember.Wieckowski@asm.ca.gov


Marie Roberson , Don and Annie Jeffries , Nancy Carvalho
Turlock Tea Party Patriots/North Valley Patriots
North Valley Patriots
2086 E. Canal PMB 116
Turlock Ca 95380
Select capable men from all the people--men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain--and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. (Exod 18.21, NIV)

Saturday, March 19, 2011



April 2- North Valley Patriots-Turlock Yard Sale, 7am at 2040 Chakkar Estates Turlock, if you have any items to donate please call Wanda at 537-6600 pr April 538-9053.

April 7th and 14th , Los Banos Tea Party Patriots , Miller & Lux Bldg 830 Sixth St. 7:00pm -9:00pm. Constitution Class, Institute for Principle Studies , Mike Winther, to sign up go to Institute for Principle Studies, the cost is $15.

April 7th , Tea Party Patriots of Modesto, 4300 Bang Rd, Holiday Inn Express, 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Speaker George Runner .

April 14th North Valley Patriots/Turlock, Pizza Factor 1050 Monte Vista, 6:30pm - 9:00pm. Speakers, Lee Lundgren, and Carl Camp
will talk on Voter Fraud. We also will have our Pizza Fundraiser all day , when you order please mention North Valley Patriots. Also we
will have a raffle that night.

April 14th Lobby Day in Sac. to sign up go to www.californiateapartygroups.org, go to committee, then advocate group.

April 15, TAX DAY RALLY'S - North Valley Patriots/Turlock, 11am to 2pm, Wellington's Pub Parking Lot , Guest Speaker Jim Patterson, Rex Ruth.
Booth's - AG, Constitution, Kids, Merchandise and Information. We also would like patriots who have their own merchandise to sell, please email us for a booth turlockpatriots@gmail.com. If you sell, Avon, Arts and Crafts, Books ect........., we believe in Free Mkt. Please bring a chair, lunch. Things we need two more ez ups and four 6ft tables.
Tea Party Patriots of Modesto- Downtown Plaza, 11am. For more information Please email teapartypatriotsmodesto@gmail.com
Merced Tea Party Patriots- Applegate Park, For more information email mercedteaparty@gmail.com.

April 16- TAX DAY RALLY, CAL EXPO SAC, We have a bus going to Sac, if you would like to go please email us at turlockpatriots@gmail.com, the cost is $25 per person, North Valley Patriots, 2086 E Canal PMB 116, Turlock 95380. For more information go to norcalteapartypatriots.org. We also will have a booth to pass out information about our groups, We need two ezup's and two 6ft. tables. Please bring a chair, sign, lunch ( can buy up there) and something to drink. Come have fun with other like minded Conservatives.

April 16, Los Banos Downtown Fair, Los Banos Tea Party Patriots will have a booth. Come have fun and support our groups.

April 18th, All Tea Party Patriots group will be at their local post offices passing out tea party patriots and post cards to that will remind people to call their local representative's to say NO TO JERRY BROWN'S TAX HIKE.

April 22, Merced Tea Party Patriots,Pizza Plus Fun 6994 W Bridget Ct. Winton, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. For More Information please email mercedteaparty@gmail.com.

April 22, Tea Party Patriots of Modesto, Holiday Inn Express, 4300 Bangs Rd., 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Action teams and Constitution Corner with Dave Diamond.

April 24, North Valley Patriots/Turlock, Pizza Factor 1050 Monte Vista, 6:30pm to 9:00pm, Tentative Bill Berryhill. Pizza Fundraiser all day, just mention North Valley Patriots when you order. We also will have a raffle that night.

April 27-May 1st, Los Banos County Fair, if you can help please email losbanosteaparty@gmail.com.

Look forward to helping us at two Memorial Events and Patterson Apricot Festival and Stanislaus County Fair and Merced County Fair.

Each group works on donations to help keep their groups going. If you can help, Please send them a check or donate at a meeting. Thanks and God Bless, Marie Roberson, Local Coordinator

Thursday, March 3, 2011

RSVP for Constitution class right away


Please RSVP for Constitution class right away. Seating is limited. Please see the flyer for more information.

It takes all boots on the ground and hands on deck to take our country back. This class will help you learn more about our constitution .

We will meet at the Holiday Inn on Hotel Dr. in Turlock on March 12, from 8:30 am to 4:30pm.

Breakfast will be provide ( muffins, fresh fruit, coffee or tea)

Lunch is on your own at one of the near by resturants.

The cost is $12 for the book and donations for the room are requested to help reimburse this cost ($250) to one individual who has paid for the room on their creditcard.

Flyer attached


GENERAL MEETING: March 10th at Pizza Factor on Monte Vista and Crowell from 6:30 to 9.

We will have a pizza fundraiser please read the attached flyer. We will have a great speaker who will talk to us about what it was like being raised in a Socialist Society and how this is the path America is on.

We also will be holding a raffle.


Saturday, March 19th - 7am to ?

2040 Chakkar Estate Dr.
Turlock Ca

If you have anything to donate to our yard sale, please call April at 538-9053 or Wanda and Ken at 537-6600.

March 24th
General meeting Stanislaus County Board of Supervisor Vito Chiesa.

We also will have our pizza fundraiser please read the flyer. Pizza Factor,
Monte Vista and Crowell. 6:30 to 9:00pm.
We also will be holding a raffle.

April 15
Turlock Tea Party Patriots/North Valley Patriots, Tax Day Rally on
from 11:30 am to 1:30pm, Guest Speakers Jim Patterson and
Rex Ruth. More Information to come soon.

April 16th
Also Please RSVP for the Tax Day Rally in Sac at Cal Expo. We rented a bus. Please click on this link for more information.

There is a great event for Freedom Riders to Honor all Vets, Past, Present and Fallen. Please read the attached freedom rider flyer and ride with our Vets to Cal Expo for $10.00, you will get breakfast, lunch and honor all those who have fight for our freedoms. Please let us know if you plan on going on this ride, so we can look for you. Also we have thought of putting on a freedom ride and would like your input.

You check on The cost is $25 person, seating is limited so RSVP right away and send check to:
2086 E. Canal
PMB 116
Turlock Ca 95380.

LOCAL TEA PARTY GROUPS EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bring Government Back to the People


I am excited to invite you to “Turlock Government Night,” an event
that I will be hosting on Thursday, February 24th from 6-8 p.m. at the
War Memorial Building in Turlock. The free public event will be a town
hall-style gathering of federal, state and local elected officials
listening to the constituents they serve.

My goal for the event is to bring government back to the people and
create an opportunity for them to meet with all of their representatives
at one place. I want to give the residents of Turlock, and the
surrounding communities of my district, a forum to directly interact
with the representatives they voted into office.

Congressman Jeff Denham, Assemblyman Bill Berryhill, Senator Anthony
Cannella and I will provide a few minutes of prepared comments and then
answer questions submitted by the audience. Other locally elected
officials, including City of Turlock, Turlock Unified School District
and TID, will also be available at the event staffing booths for those
in attendance to visit.

These electeds and I confer regularly to discuss the issues of our area
and to work collectively in finding solutions to the challenges we face.
I want people to see that work in action and be part of the process.

Please join us! It is going to be a great event and we look forward to
seeing you there.

Further event details can be found in the attached flier. Should you
have any further questions about the event, let us know.


Vito Chiesa
Supervisor, District 2
Stanislaus County

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meetings March

HI Patriots

Sorry this is not through mailchimp, I am still trying to figure out how to attach files.

We have some great events coming up and hope that you will be able to be a part of the these events and help us in our fight to take back our country.

Remember to go the Turlock Town Hall meeting this Thursday at 6pm at the War Memorial in Turlock, make sure you go early to get a seat, Thurs Feb 24.

March 10th is our Regular meeting, we have Guest Speaker: Arkady Factorovich. Will speak on his experience of living under a socialist government in the Ukraine, immigration experience, and what he sees now as the signs of the U.S. government moving towards a Socialist form of government as well. We also will present AZ Summit. Pizza Factor on Monte Vista Ave, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. We also will hold our first Pizza Fundraiser that night. Please see attached flyer.

March 12 is our constitution Class with Wall Builders, please see flyers, Please RSVP right away , seating is limited and we are filling up. You can pay for your book at the door 12.00 and donations for the room are welcomed. Breakfast will be muffins and fresh fruit provide by NVP and lunch is on your own we have many near by Restaurants.

March 19th is our first Turlock Tea Party Patriots/ NVP yardsale, if you would like to donate items or need pick up, please send me your name and phone number. We also need help with prices and working that day.

March 24, will be our Regular meeting at the Pizza Factor on Monte Vista Ave, from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Guest Speaker will be Vito Chiesa
Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors
1010 10th St, Suite 6500
Modesto, Ca 95354
(209) 525-6440

Vito Chiesa is a lifelong resident of Hughson. He graduated from Hughson High School, attended Modesto Junior College then went onto graduate from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture.
Vito works in a family farming operation with his parents, Mary and Aroldo and brother, Andrew. In addition to growing walnuts, almonds and peaches, the family operates a commercial walnut hulling and drying business.
Vito has served his community in various capacities such as President of the Stanislaus County Fair Board and Stanislaus County Farm Bureau, Director for the Modesto Chamber of Commerce, State Director for California Farm Bureau. He is a member of St. Anthony’s Church and Knights of Columbus. This is Vito’s first term as Stanislaus County Supervisor, District 2.
Vito is married to his wife, Jill and has 2 children, Caroline and Teo. In his spare time he enjoys playing basketball with his buddies at the SOS.
We also will have our second Pizza Fundraiser that night, please see flyer.
Thanks and God Bless


Marie Roberson , Don and Annie Jeffries , Nancy Carvalho
Turlock Tea Party Patriots/North Valley Patriots
North Valley Patriots
2086 E. Canal PMB 116
Turlock Ca 95380
Select capable men from all the people--men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain--and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. (Exod 18.21, NIV)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Turlock Tea Party Patriots invites you

Hi Patriots
Turlock Tea Party Patriots invites you to their monthly meeting February 9th at Pizza Factor on Monte Vista and Crowell. From
6:30pm to 9:00pm. Committee Meeting from 8:30pm to 9:00pm
Guest speaker will be Brad Dacus from the Pacific Justice Institute. For more information visit http://www.pacificjustice.org/attorneys/brad-dacus .. .
The Pacific Justice Institute is a non profit 501c3 legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights and other civil liberties. Pacific Justice Institute works diligently without charge to provide it's clients with all the legal support they need.
Upcoming events for all North Valley Patriots groups
Feb 9 Turlock TPP at the Pizza Factor,
6:30 to 8:30pm. Speaker Brad Dacus
Pacific Justice Inst.
Feb 10 Patterson Meeting to TBA

Feb 12 Leadership Training, Holiday Inn
Modesto, 8:30am to 2:00pm.
To Register. Go to

Feb 17 Merced TPP , Pizza Plus Fun
6:30 to 8:30, speaker is Will Hunter
CEO of Merced Irrigation District

Feb 17 TPP Modesto,7pm at Holiday Inn
Express, Action Team Reports
Constitution Corner

Feb 24 Turlock Town Hall Meeting.
6:00pm to 8:30pm, War Memorial
Canal Dr, Please RSVP t o Vito Chiesa
At525-6440. Jeff Denham, Bill Berryhill
and local government officials.
We also have reserved a bus for April 16, Tax Day Rally in Sacramento at Cal Expo. The cost is $25.00 per person, please send checks to NVP 2086 E. Canal Dr, Turlock Ca 95380.
Thanks and God Bless
Marie Roberson
Turlock TPP/North Valley Patriots
2086 E Canal PMB116
Turlock Ca 95380

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meeting Day's For February

Hi Patriots
Meetings for February on the 9th and 24th at Pizza Factor on Monte Vista and Crowell, 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Come join as we take our city, state and country back. We need many hands to help us fight voter frauds, educate our neighbors and teach the constitution to friends and family.

February 9th we have Brad Dacus from the Pacific Justice Institute coming to talk us about law suites that are unconstitutional and how we can help them. To learn more go to http://www.pacificjustice.org/about-us
February 24th we have Karen from the Principals for Studies coming to talk to us about their program and the constitution. To learn more go to http://principlestudies.org/. Please let us know if you are coming to the meeting or going to the town hall meeting.

February 24th is also the Turlock Town hall Meeting at the War Memorial on the Canal Dr.. RSVP to Vito Chiesa at 525-6440, come meet Mayor Lazar, Congressman Denham, Assemblyman Berryhill. Please let us know if you are going to the town hall or our meeting.

The letter below is from Ginny Rapini:
Where Were We Two Years Ago?
Before we look at the future, let's review the past. Where were we two years ago? The country seemed lost; some even believed it was over. Many feared America as we knew it had been wiped out. NO! We have awakened a sleeping giant that is growing stronger and bigger with each day. We are speaking up and we will save our nation.

We have come to see that freedom isn't free. It is a fragile gift to be protected like we protect our children from the ravages of the world.

Committed people desire the successful outcome of their pursuits with astounding depth and intensity. There is no room for apathy or lowered motivation. Our commitment must provide a constant source of renewal and energy that rejects indifference.

Without this ongoing commitment to growth in ourselves, our group, and nationally, we will not finish this race. I want to challenge all of you who regularly attend our meetings, and those who have been not so regular in their attendance; if you are just on the sidelines watching, get off those sidelines and jump in the battle. It didn't end after November 2nd. It has just begun.

We intend to challenge the hearts and souls of every person in attendance. We expect all of you to join us with your passion, patriotism, energy, time, talent and treasure, as all can give some.

We look forward to seeing you . Please remember to join our fundraisers. myshoppinggenie.com/wtp1776 and theteapartylink.com-password is turlock. We hate to ask but we do need finical help to help get the word out about the Tea Party Patriots and to help us going to AZ. Thanks

Monday, January 31, 2011


Hi Patriots
We would love to get a constitution class together in March. Details for the class are below . If you would like to attend PLEASE EMAIL: Nancy Carvalho at mim1608@sbcglobal.net.
We need to get at least 45 to 50 people. Thanks and God Bless Marie



Led by John Pero using interactive DVD by Rick Green of Wall Builder's, this course will equip you with the answers and help you as a citizen understand the Constitution, our guaranteed rights and our duty as free citizens.

"Every member of the state ought diligently to ready and study the constitution of the country. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they have been violated and thus be the better prepared to defend and assert."
John Jay (Founding father-and 1st Chief Justice of Supreme Court)

It goes from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Fee: $12.00 for "The Constitution Made Easy" Text Book


Marie Roberson , Don and Annie Jeffries

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hello Patriots,

Several of you have asked why the local coordinators are going to the American Policy Summit in Arizona Feb 25th to 27th. We are going for stepped up training to bring back to you, so you can be more effective in your efforts to return sanity to this country.

When you sent Sam Palmer to Washington DC in November, they took the Tea Party Patriots 40 year plan and broke it down for what we need to accomplish in the next two years. It is now time to take our dedication to fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets a step further. We want our commitment to be meaningful and productive, and one way to do that is to ensure we are equipped with facts. Facts that will enable us to come up with solid and viable policy ideas. We want to use these policies to make America better, and to preserve liberty for future generations. When we come back we will be better prepared to answer questions about the Tea Party Patriots stand on health care issues, and how to help achieve a balance budget. How to find better conservative candidates and judges, and how to help run their campaigns. Plus much, much more.

The Tea Party Patriots choose to go to Arizona to show them support and to make a national statement that we endorse their 10th amendment efforts. There will be 11 local coordinators going, Sam, Marie, Gus, Les, Sondra, Don, Anne, Manuel, Jan, Bill, and Bryan . We are very blessed to have had an 8 person van donated to us for the trip by a local dealership, but we still have motel, gas and food expensives. This will cost approximately $500 per person and believe me there aren't any frills figured in. This is figured for two people- we have three from our group going-
Motel : $300 - 4 days 2 people
Meals: 360 - 5 days 2 people
Fuel: 150 - minimum, 1300 miles @ 10mpg @ $3.5 gal / 3 groups evenly
subtl $810
190 ccontingency

A donation of $5, 10, 20, 50 or more would help your group attend. Please send your donation to
North Valley Patriots 2086 E. Canal PMB 116, Turlock Ca 95380, or give your donation to your local group and let them know it is for Arizona.

God Bless all of you

Greatfully North Valley Patriot Coordinators