April 2- North Valley Patriots-Turlock Yard Sale, 7am at 2040 Chakkar Estates Turlock, if you have any items to donate please call Wanda at 537-6600 pr April 538-9053.
April 7th and 14th , Los Banos Tea Party Patriots , Miller & Lux Bldg 830 Sixth St. 7:00pm -9:00pm. Constitution Class, Institute for Principle Studies , Mike Winther, to sign up go to Institute for Principle Studies, the cost is $15.
April 7th , Tea Party Patriots of Modesto, 4300 Bang Rd, Holiday Inn Express, 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Speaker George Runner .
April 14th North Valley Patriots/Turlock, Pizza Factor 1050 Monte Vista, 6:30pm - 9:00pm. Speakers, Lee Lundgren, and Carl Camp
will talk on Voter Fraud. We also will have our Pizza Fundraiser all day , when you order please mention North Valley Patriots. Also we
will have a raffle that night.
April 14th Lobby Day in Sac. to sign up go to www.californiateapartygroups.org, go to committee, then advocate group.
April 15, TAX DAY RALLY'S - North Valley Patriots/Turlock, 11am to 2pm, Wellington's Pub Parking Lot , Guest Speaker Jim Patterson, Rex Ruth.
Booth's - AG, Constitution, Kids, Merchandise and Information. We also would like patriots who have their own merchandise to sell, please email us for a booth turlockpatriots@gmail.com. If you sell, Avon, Arts and Crafts, Books ect........., we believe in Free Mkt. Please bring a chair, lunch. Things we need two more ez ups and four 6ft tables.
Tea Party Patriots of Modesto- Downtown Plaza, 11am. For more information Please email teapartypatriotsmodesto@gmail.com
Merced Tea Party Patriots- Applegate Park, For more information email mercedteaparty@gmail.com.
April 16- TAX DAY RALLY, CAL EXPO SAC, We have a bus going to Sac, if you would like to go please email us at turlockpatriots@gmail.com, the cost is $25 per person, North Valley Patriots, 2086 E Canal PMB 116, Turlock 95380. For more information go to norcalteapartypatriots.org. We also will have a booth to pass out information about our groups, We need two ezup's and two 6ft. tables. Please bring a chair, sign, lunch ( can buy up there) and something to drink. Come have fun with other like minded Conservatives.
April 16, Los Banos Downtown Fair, Los Banos Tea Party Patriots will have a booth. Come have fun and support our groups.
April 18th, All Tea Party Patriots group will be at their local post offices passing out tea party patriots and post cards to that will remind people to call their local representative's to say NO TO JERRY BROWN'S TAX HIKE.
April 22, Merced Tea Party Patriots,Pizza Plus Fun 6994 W Bridget Ct. Winton, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. For More Information please email mercedteaparty@gmail.com.
April 22, Tea Party Patriots of Modesto, Holiday Inn Express, 4300 Bangs Rd., 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Action teams and Constitution Corner with Dave Diamond.
April 24, North Valley Patriots/Turlock, Pizza Factor 1050 Monte Vista, 6:30pm to 9:00pm, Tentative Bill Berryhill. Pizza Fundraiser all day, just mention North Valley Patriots when you order. We also will have a raffle that night.
April 27-May 1st, Los Banos County Fair, if you can help please email losbanosteaparty@gmail.com.
Look forward to helping us at two Memorial Events and Patterson Apricot Festival and Stanislaus County Fair and Merced County Fair.
Each group works on donations to help keep their groups going. If you can help, Please send them a check or donate at a meeting. Thanks and God Bless, Marie Roberson, Local Coordinator
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