Monday, October 4, 2010

Is Mark Williams a Progressive?

Hi Everyone
I have been getting a lot of emails asking about mark williams ect.. and phone calls, Everything that Mark Williams is saying on 650am is not true. Mark Williams started with TPP but then seprated and joined the TPExpress, which is GOP packed and very racist and no we are not on the same path as them and never will be. I wish you could have all heard Mark Meckler and Ginny Rapini and then you would understand all the history. We have a tape of the Sept 27th event, so hopeful we can get that out soon.Mark Williams is playing dirty, he posted Mark Mecklers wifes Name and their Home Address on the Web and is sending out dirty emails. If we thought that Mark Meckler was wrong we would leave, but he isn't and has never done anything to hurt our cause and if you really believe that the Express is the way to then you need to email or talk to Mark Meckler personally. I for one support Mark, Jenny Beth, Ginny, Dawn and all the rest and will never have anything to do with anyone who supports or works with the Express, Mark Williams and any of the others. We need to take the high road and just stay away and delet their emails and turn the radio station.
God Bless and Thanks Marie

Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2010

What's Happening
To:, Christi
is any one listening to 650 am Mark Williams. What the heck is going on in this organization. If any of this is true what he is saying about Mark Meckler is that his name. Than we need to separate ourselves from them.
This is bad for our image as a grass roots movement.

No wonder I was upset when I heard Mark William on the radio Sunday. I thought how could he be so misinformed. Now I know he is as bad a those in the Obama regime.Out for them selves and giving us Kool aid filled with out and out lies. Watch the Video of Mark Meckler and Ginny Rapini at the meeting and you will be just a mad as I was to having Mark Williams trying to destroy the Tea Party Movement on his radio program Sunday.

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